The role of the LMC
LMCs’ statutory functions are set out in the NHS acts and subordinate legislation made under them. A core function of LMCs is to liaise with ICBs and the GPC as representatives of GPs’ views and interests together with pastoral support for GPs relating to health, complaints and regulatory investigations (see our GP Support page). LMCs are also empowered to investigate complaints made to them by a medical practitioner against another medical practitioner and to report on medical examinations undertaken in relation to a practitioner’s capability to provide contracted services.
The LMC also has non-statutory functions to provide information, advice and support, training and guidance to local GPs and their practices
LMCs uphold the core values of the Profession in terms of:
Equity and Fairness
Equal Opportunities
Additional information on the non-statutory functions of LMCs can be found on the BMA’s website:
LMCs are funded via a levy, which can be voluntary (willingly contributed) from PMS and APMS or statutory from GMS contract holders. This is normally deducted at source by NHS England/Improvement and paid directly to the LMC. The levy is generally calculated from each practice list size, multiplied by a nominal amount, but can vary according to the LMC Constitution. These arrangements are as prescribed by The National Health Services Act 2006, Part 4, Para 97.
The LMC levy is reimbursed in the ‘costs element’ built into the base level funding of the GMS contract (negotiated by GPC) and therefore technically it is a “neutral cost” to practices; the levy is also tax deductible.
LMC income covers all of the operating expenses to provide honoraria for the officers and members, secretariat, equipment and software and any expenses of its members when carrying out LMC business, such as attendance at national conferences. The LMC also makes a significant financial contribution to support the work of the BMA’s General Practitioners Committee and General Practitioners Defence Fund.