Share the Survey with ALL your GP colleagues now:
Next year marks both the 20th anniversary of the introduction of the 2004 GMS contract, and the end of the current 2019-24 five-year investment framework. A general election is also likely at some point in the year, and potentially, a new government. With change comes opportunity, and a window to influence how we deliver patient care now and for the years ahead.
Manifestos from the main political parties, think tanks, charities, and other health bodies will seek to influence these changes. In advance of these, GPC England will publish its own vision outlining the future direction for general practice by those who know it best: GPs themselves.
This is where you come in. We want to give you a voice.
If you only respond to one survey, make it this one.
We want to hear from all fully qualified GPs in England, whether you’re a BMA member or not.
Share it with all GPs: partners, salaried, retainer and locum GPs; those working in wider primary care roles, in trusts, urgent care, secure or out-of-hours settings, and GP Registrars at ST3 and above. (A separate survey for all GP Trainees ST1+ will be opened by the BMA in the new year – our survey is targeted at ST3+ to ensure that respondents have appropriate experience working within the practice setting to enable them to answer as many questions as possible.)
Participants do not need to be a member of the BMA to participate but we will need a GMC number so we can corroborate responses as coming from qualified GPs based in England.
All responses will be anonymised.
The survey will close on Sunday 21 January 2024. Please: complete the survey as soon as possible, to ensure our negotiating position is as strong as possible.